6 Year


Small batch, thermal-conduction,
compressed air dryer.

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Small throughputs? The energy-saving PMD thermal conduction compressed air dryer handles 3 lbs. per hour or less. It comes in two sizes: 3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) and 6.6 lbs. (3.0 kg) capacities.


Energy-saving thermal fin technology

Thermal fins efficiently dry resin using up to 50% less energy than a hot-air dryer.


Fast material changes.

The hinged hopper and easy-to-remove heating fins makes it quick work to clean and change material, helping you maximize production.

PMD Cont.

Programming made simple.

An easy-to-use touchpad simplifies programming, enabling you to preset operations, monitor settings, view progress and make changes effortlessly.



Quickly move the PMD to another machine. The smaller unit is only 13"w ×11"d× 22"h and weights only 33 lbs. The larger unit is just 13”w x 11”d x 29”h and weights just 44 lbs. Its a lot of dryer in a very compact little package.


Model PMD 1.5 3
Dry Temperature (°F) 320ºF at ambient 68ºF
Drying Method Thermal conduction w/air purge
Drying Heater (w) 270 500
Power Supply (volts) 115VAC
Volume (lbs.) 3.3 6.6
Hopper Volume (ft3) 0.1 0.21
Approximate Throughput (lbs/hr) 0-2 3-4
Power (a) 5
Purge Air Volume (ft3/min) .353 ~ 1.765
Weight (lbs) 33 44
Approximate Dimensions (inches) 13 x 11 x 23H 13 x 11 x 29H
Mounting Plate (inches) 4.3 x 4.3 with 1.2 inch throat
Available Options Hopper loader, adjustable level control switch, purge air dryer
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